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Join the Waitlist!

100% Volunteer Driven. 
100% of Funding Goes to Families.

Wagons Ho Ho Ho is a charity founded on delivering Christmas hope to families in need during the holidays.

  • Each year, more than 950 volunteers of Wagons Ho Ho Ho work year-round to ensure that more than 1,500 children have a Christmas … because we truly believe every child deserves a Christmas.

  • Fundraising, food sourcing, partner gathering, wagon buying ... there’s so much that goes into our annual BUILD DAY at Wagons Ho Ho Ho.  If you’ve experienced that day, you know that it’s not short of magical. But, thanks to our 100% volunteer driven organization, that magic happens.

  • We transform an ordinary gym into Santa’s workshop – because we believe that a little red wagon delivers more than a memorable toy and a Christmas dinner. They deliver HOPE. Can you help us this year?

  • If you are connected to a church, a community program or a non-profit that can help us reach those children in dire need – those that otherwise would not have a Christmas – please connect with us. We’d love to partner with you to get our wagons and our meals to even more families than ever before.

Because Every Child Deserves a Christmas.

1. Donate! 

Each wagon with a Christmas dinner costs $150. And 100% of every donation helps us buy and fill more wagons.

2. Show Your Love for Wagons Ho Ho Ho!​

Start Your Own Facebook Fundraiser NOW!  Together, we can all work hard to harness the power of social media to make a BIG, POWERFUL change in the world! 


Simply go here and select your nonprofit (type in Wagons Ho Ho Ho and it will come up for you!).  Set the date to complete on or around December 1 and you’re set! Posting about it on your page and asking your friends to consider even $5 or $10 will go a long, long way.  And remember, EVERY DOLLAR donated goes directly to the children we serve.

3. Does Your Employer Give to Charities?

Ask your employer to consider Wagons Ho Ho Ho in their giving program.  OR, contact us with their name and number, and we’ll contact them ourselves.  Companies want to support charities that their team loves – so your suggestion can go a long, long way


4. Become a Wagons Ho Ho Ho Official Sponsor!

Packages begin at just $500.  If you have a giving program, or are looking for a way to support a charity that is beloved by your team, talk to us.  We’ve been known to get very creative in the ways that we make Wagons Ho Ho Ho come alive to your team! 


Wagons Ho Ho Ho is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Please consult your tax advisor regarding specific questions about your deductions.

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